What is the meaning of the word "as a formality"?


  1. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • As a formality, the ambassador presented his credentials to the head of state. copy to clipboard
  2. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The couple exchanged vows as a formality, but they had no intention of staying together. copy to clipboard
  3. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The company required all employees to sign a nondisclosure agreement as a formality, even though they had already been informed of the company's confidential information. copy to clipboard
  4. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The president's state of the union address is delivered as a formality, but it is still closely watched by politicians and the public. copy to clipboard
  5. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The company requested a meeting with the regulatory agency as a formality, but they did not expect to make any significant changes to their operations. copy to clipboard
  6. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The couple had already decided on the terms of their divorce, but they still went through the process as a formality to make it official. copy to clipboard
  7. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The company conducted a safety drill as a formality, but they did not take the exercise seriously and failed to follow proper procedures. copy to clipboard
  8. in a set manner without serious attention copy to clipboard adverb
    • The employee filled out the required paperwork as a formality, but they did not expect their request to be granted. copy to clipboard
